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Question 1: How does systems thinking contribute to understanding complex issues and unpredictable system behaviour?

  1. It simplifies complex issues by breaking them down into smaller components.
  2. It ignores unpredictable system behaviour and focuses on isolated factors.
  3. It captures complexity by considering interrelationships and feedback loops.
  4. It isolates individual perspectives to analyse the system effectively.

Question 2: Why is systems thinking a useful approach to address complex population health issues?

  1. It helps identify policy leverage points, challenges our mental models, and provides a holistic approach to analysis.
  2. It challenges our mental models, integrates multiple perspectives, and helps to ensure predictable outcomes.
  3. It integrates multiple perspectives, ensures linear and straightforward solutions, that are iterative and responsive to change.
  4. It ensures predictable system behaviour by identifying potential unintended consequences and supports evidence-based decision-making.

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Q1 Answer: c) It captures complexity by considering interrelationships and feedback loops.

Systems thinking helps us understand complex issues and unpredictable system behaviour by considering the interrelationships and feedback loops among the various components of the system. It takes into account the complexity and interconnectedness of the system, providing a more comprehensive understanding.

Q2 Answer: a) It helps identify policy leverage points, challenges our mental models, and provides a holistic approach to analysis

Due to the inherent nature of complexity in such issues, a systems thinking approach does not help to ensure predictable system behaviour or outcomes, or linear and straightforward solutions. Complex population health issues often involve multiple interrelated components and feedback loops, resulting in non-linear relationships. In such systems, small changes can lead to unpredictable outcomes and impacts. As a result, attempting to predict specific outcomes can be challenging.