A partnership to test and refine real-world solutions for the large-scale application of healthy food retail interventions in local government settings across Australia and beyond, funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council.
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What is Promoting CHANGE?
This project will empower local government-owned or managed facilities, such as sporting facilities, art centres, libraries, and community centres, to promote more nutritious ‘green’ options over less nutritious ‘red’ options by looking at the availability, pricing, labeling, and advertising of foods and drinks (aligned with the Victorian Government’s Healthy Choices guidelines).
Why is Promoting CHANGE needed?
The food outlets where people buy their food and drink have an enormous role to play in making it easier for Victorians to eat nutritious foods to support their health and wellbeing.
The Promoting CHANGE project has been launched to support Victorian local government facilities to shift towards healthier food and drinks in their food outlets.
What are the benefits of Promoting CHANGE?
How will it work?
Local governments will receive the following to assist with making changes: a project officer, support and training from Nutrition Australia, feedback on progress, and financial support to assist with change.
The impact of these changes will be evaluated by comparing the food and drinks offered and sold in facilities implementing the changes, with ‘control’ facilities which will continue to operate as usual. This ‘control’ group will later be included in the supported Promoting CHANGE program.
When is this happening?
The three-year trial started in July 2023 when local governments in the first intervention group received support to make changes. Local governments in the ‘control’ group (where no changes will initially be made) will receive a one-year intervention from mid-2026.
The Promoting CHANGE partners
Promoting CHANGE is a joint initiative led by Deakin University, in partnership with City of Greater Bendigo, City of Greater Geelong, City of Greater Shepparton, City of Merri-bek, City of Monash, City of Yarra, Maroondah City Council, Menzies School of Health Research, Monash University, Municipal Association of Victoria, Nillumbik Shire Council, Nutrition Australia (Victorian Division), Sport & Recreation Victoria, The University of Newcastle, and the Victorian Department of Health. Promoting CHANGE is supported by a National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Partnership Project Grant (GNT2015440). The contents of this webpage are the responsibility of the authors and should not be attributed to the NHMRC.
For more information about Promoting CHANGE, contact the research team at: promotingchange@deakin.edu.au
Promoting CHANGE resource list
The following resources support the Promoting CHANGE project:
Promoting CHANGE Press - the newsletter of the Promoting CHANGE project
The Promoting CHANGE project team is excited to announce that a new newsletter called the “Promoting CHANGE Press” has been developed to keep partners and stakeholders up to date with the Promoting CHANGE project.
The first edition of this newsletter landed in inboxes in September 2023.
This newsletter is your ‘go to’ for project information and updates, spotlighting council level initiatives and events, useful resources and research studies, and more – ensuring you have all the information you need for your role in this Australian-first collaboration.
Join the mailing list to receive this newsletter and other relevant project updates
Read the Promoting CHANGE Press:
We're a friendly bunch! Please reach out to connect with us
Email the Promoting CHANGE research team – promotingchange@deakin.edu.au
resources for this stream
Stream 1
Identifying and implementing the most feasible strategy to improve the health of food retail
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