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Thanks for joining us as we share the latest updates from the the Centre for Retail Excellence in Food Retail Environments for Health – known as “RE-FRESH”.

Our aim is to transform the retail food environments in which people buy their food and beverages to promote healthier diets to realise our vision for all people to live free from the burden of diet-related chronic health conditions.

Our team is focused on high quality cross-disciplinary research and collaboration to build the evidence, methods and tools needed to accelerate the uptake of proven healthy food retail initiatives in remote, regional and urban settings in Australia, and internationally — strengthened through our solid partnerships with government and non-government organisations, community organisations and food retailers.

Keep scrolling to read about our latest outputs:


Our Year 3 Annual Report: 



Is there anything more satisfying than translating the year’s work of more than 60 researchers into one bright and shiny publication?! You can read all about the exciting work that has come out of our research centre in 2021 in our freshly released Year Report.

Don’t miss the NEW sections in this release – where we shine a spotlight on some of the great partnership work we have focused on, as well as introduce our two RE-FRESH-funded PhD students.

Happy reading!



Our short course: Enrolments now open


OPPORTUNITY – Did you know that an innovative new short course designed by world experts in the field of ‘Transforming Retail Food Environments to be Health-Enabling’ is set to be delivered by these experts from July?

RE-FRESH has teamed up with one of its partner institutions, Monash University, to provide this rare opportunity for those in positions who can influence food retail environments to be more health enabling, such as health promotion practitioners, dieticians, nutritionists and those with influence on public health policy.



Workshops teach practitioners news skills to transform food retail environments


A two-part interactive workshop series for practitioners interested in healthy food retail initiatives hosted by The Centre for Excellence in Food Retail Environments for Health (RE-FRESH) has been rated very highly by participants.

Participants came from local and state government, universities and health promotion organisations.



A selection of new Publications from the RE-FRESH team:

1. From RE-FRESH’s Laura Alston:
Nutrition & Dietetics – Journal of Dietitians Australia“Underinvestment in nutrition research for at-risk populations: An analysis of research funding awarded in Australia from 2014-2021”

2. From RE-FRESH’s Jaithri Ananthapavan, Gary Sacks, Liliana Orellana, Josephine Marshall, Ella Robinson, Marj Moodie, Miranda Blake & Adrian J. Cameron (and others): 
Nutrients – “Cost-benefit and cost-utility analyses to demonstrate the potential value for money of supermarket shelf tags promotion healthier packaged products in Australia” 

3. From RE-FRESH’s Adrian Cameron, Sarah Dean, Ella Robinson, Gary Sacks (and others):
The Journal of Nutrition – “Consumption Frequency and Purchase Locations of Foods Prepared Outside the Home in Australia, 2018 International Food Policy Study”

4. From RE-FRESH’s Ella Robinson and Gary Sacks:
Current Nutrition Reports – “Latest trends in investing for improved nutrition and obesity prevention”