Deakin University researchers are conducting a VicHealth funded study aimed at understanding the stakeholder expressed need for, and potential content of, a mobile app to support monitoring, auditing and implementation of healthy food retail practices in Victorian community-based food service settings.

Deakin University are looking for individuals to participate in an online survey and an online 2-hour focus group. You have been identified as a potential participant for this research study, who may have knowledge and interest in contributing.

If you agree to participate, you will be asked to firstly complete an online survey to help determine the needs of stakeholders regarding an instore food retail environment monitoring tool. And then attend a focus group, which will discuss the results of this survey and then further reflect on the content of such a tool suitable for use in community-based food service settings in Victoria.

The focus group will be held either Thursday 2nd or Friday 3rd of December. A doodle poll to illicit the most suitable time and day is available via this link. Please complete this doodle poll if you are interested in participating. 

Participation is voluntary. No participants will be identified in any publications or presentations that may result from this research.

Ethics approval for this study has been granted by Deakin University’s Faculty of Health Human Ethics Advisory Group [approval number: HEAG-H178_2021]. Recruitment closes on the 19th November 2021.

A plain language statement is attached for you to keep, which provides further details of the study.

A consent form is also attached. If you are interested in participating in this study please return this consent form to Dr Meg Adam –

If you have any further questions or are interested in participating, please contact Dr Meg Adam at Deakin University at OR +61 392468510



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