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As we bring you the final update from the Centre of Research Excellence in Food Retail Environments for Health (RE-FRESH) for 2023, we wish to take the opportunity to express our gratitude to our dedicated partners and all those who have joined us in our pursuit of transforming retail food environments for health over the past year.

By working with government and non-government organisations, community organisations and food retailers we have been able to take great strides forward to accelerate the uptake of proven healthy food retail initiatives to improve diet and health at a population level.

We hope everyone has the chance to energise and “refresh” over the break, and we wish you all a safe, happy and healthy festive season.
– The RE-FRESH team

Flag your interest! Short course set for return

RE-FRESH’s innovative online healthy food retail short course is returning for the fourth year in 2024, in collaboration with Monash University, Deakin University’s Institute for Health Transformation and the Global Centre for Preventive Health and Nutrition.

This innovative one-of-a-kind short course will start on Thursday, July 25, and offers:

  • Weekly online sessions with world-leading healthy food retail research experts
  • Practical real-world examples
  • Your chance to discover the power of marketing and retail merchandising in food environments, gain the skills and knowledge to facilitate retail practices and policies for public health and, in turn, influence consumer decision making.

Designed specifically for health promotion practitioners and policy makers, nutritionists and those engaged in the complex systems change needed to improve the health of food retail environments for population health benefit.

  • 9-week short-course $1300
  • 12-week course with microcredential $1800

Now is a great time to think about incorporating this expert-led course into your workplan next year!

  • To be the first to receive course updates and access course registration when it opens, simply send an an email with your details to our team at RE-FRESH.


1. Live-streamed panel event recording

Are you keen to know the type of evidence partners value, how research supports their aims and how we can all work collaboratively to bring about wide-reaching food environment change?

You won’t want to miss the live-streamed recording of a panel discussion we held earlier this month in conjunction with the Nourish Network where academic and practice experts shared their insights on these topics.

Tune in to hear:

  • Brigitte Annois, Nutrition Policy Advisor at the Healthy Eating Advisory Service at Nutrition Australia, who leads the implementation of Victorian Government’s Policy Directive for all Victorian Public Health Services;
  • Sherridan Cluff, Senior Dietitian at Health and Wellbeing Queensland, who is a partnering with RE-FRESH researchers on a study to improve the healthiness of food retail environments, at scale;
  • Victoria Hobbs, Coordinator of the Nourish Network, who spoke from her experience as a facilitator between researchers and government/health agencies working to deliver effective health promotion; and
  • RE-FRESH researcher Dr Tailane Scapin, from the Global Centre for Preventive Health and Nutrition at Deakin University, who collaborates with UNICEF to develop action-oriented strategies to create healthier retail food environments for the prevention of child overweight and obesity in East Asia…

in conversation with panel host Alfred Deakin Prof. Anna Peeters AM, the Director of RE-FRESH, Nourish Network and Deakin University’s Institute for Health Transformation.


and access all of webinar recordings HERE.

2. Watch back the Uni-Food webinar

In this webinar hosted by RE-FRESH and the Nourish Network, RE-FRESH Chief Investigator Professor Gary Sacks, a co-Director with the Global Centre for Preventive Health and Nutririon (GLOBE)  at Deakin University’s Institute for Health Transformation, launched the results of a project that benchmarks nine Australian universities on the healthiness, equity and sustainability of their food environments, outlining best practice and providing practical tips for helping to transform university policy and practice.

Prof. Sacks was joined for the November 21 online event by on-the-ground practitioners experienced in creating change – Shirley Phan  from Monash University, and  Sandy Murray  and  Dr Catherine Elliott, both from the University of Tasmania, who discussed the interdisciplinary collaborations across the university that helped them improve their food environments and shared practical actions that can be taken to implement positive change.


Latest publication from our team:

1. From RE-FRESH’s Alexandra Jones, Kate Sievert, Simone Pettigrew, Gary Sacks and co-authors: Public Health Nutrition – “Chocolate unicorns and smiling teddy biscuits: analysis of the use of child-directed marketing on the packages of Australian foods.”