Welcome…to the Practitioner Training Package you are receiving as part of the CREATE Study
(Ethics approved by Metro North Project ID: HREC/2023/MNHA/92364)
We have worked with health promotion practitioners from across Australia to develop a series of videos and activities aimed at upskilling practitioners to support retailers to implement changes to their food offerings. We have found that supporting practitioners to take a ‘systems lens’ approach to implementation benefits the way they approach implementation planning, and assists in understanding retailer perspectives – and seeing the “bigger picture” overall.
Deakin University has specially designed this training package to support the implementation of ‘A Better Choice’ in Queensland healthcare facilities. This training is designed to be used alongside the Healthy Retail Toolkit which has been provided to the retailers taking part in this study.
In this training, you will be introduced to the concepts of ‘systems thinking’ and how it can be used when thinking about implementation in your own context. Short videos from systems and food retail experts are accompanied by activities that support the direct application of learnings.
This package starts with an introductory video and resource section, followed by four training Modules. Please work through these in order.
This training should take about 2-3 hours to complete.
Please do not share this website or the Toolkit with others until the conclusion of this study.
Module 1 – Introduction to Systems Thinking
1.3 Key concepts in systems thinking
Module 2 – What does systems thinking applied to healthy food retail look like?
2.1 Systems thinking approaches for retail transformation
Module 3 – Integrating existing health promotion concepts with systems thinking
3.1 Systems thinking and program logic
3.2 Create your own implementation plan
Module 4 – Additional resources for systems thinking